Propagation Station

This chandelier uses pre-existing systems in nature to perpetuate the growth and dispersal of free plants. The three-tiered structure consists of a growth light above a mother philodendron pothos, and an incubation tray below. The blue light increases the production of leaves, where as red aids the production of fruit and flower. A cutting from the philodendron pothos can be easily propagated to grow a whole new plant. These cuttings wait in the incubation tray for someone to adopt them. 

I gathered inspiration from the gall fly that lives its early stages inside the stock of the goldenrod flower. It’s grows to maturation inside the goldenrod and leaves the plant unharmed. The propagation station mimics the process but inverts the function of the plant. The plant is now housed inside a system that sustains and perpetuates its seed.


Afterschool Presents: Anywhere Anytime, Toronto, 2017

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