Bachelor of Art, Sculpture and Installation, OCAD University, 2019
2020, The Next Fourteen Days Virtual Exhibit, Kolab Project x OCAD University
2019, Psychonaut Experiments Volume 3, Virtual Womb, Toronto
2019, When I Was A Kid I Would Lay In My Bed And Wonder Where My Brother Was, Ignite Gallery, Toronto
2019, Psychonaut Experiments Volume 2, Virtual Womb, Toronto
2019, GradEx, OCAD University, Toronto
2019, IN·TE·RI·OR·I·TY, Lonsdale Gallery, Toronto
2018, Milkcrate Volume 3: Food For Thought, OCAD University, Toronto
2018, Milkcrate Volume 2: Portraits of Your Friends, OCAD University, Toronto
2018, Milkcrate Volume 1, OCAD University, Toronto
2017, Halo Halo, Gallery 187, Toronto
2017, Life Death Life, Gallery 187, Toronto
2017, Im/mature, OCAD University, Toronto
2013, Illuminate, Gravenhurst, Muskoka
2023, Cristine Crosbie Heart of Gold Award, OCAD University
2022, Employee Excellence Award, OCAD University
2020, The Next Fourteen Days, Kolab Project
2019, Nora E. Vaughan Award, OCAD Univesity, Toronto
2019, Haydn Davies Memorial Award, OCAD University, Toronto
2019, Student Union Funding for a Fermenting Workshop, OCAD University, Toronto
2013, 2015-2018, Rotary Club Bursary, Gravenhurst
2018, Summer Company, Toronto
2015-2018, Orville Johnston Memorial Scholarship, Bala
2013, Life Touch Fine Arts Award, Gravenhurst High School
2013, Stan Darling Environmental Award, Gravenhurst High School