Andrew Atkin, Styrofoam Stonewear,

Ceramic stonewear replicas of Styrofoam Cups with carvings and bitemarks from the guests of Milkcrate Volume I

From the waste bin of the first volume Milkcrate came 14 styrofoam cups. Each cup was molded and slip cast in stoneware. They were then used in the third volume of the Milkcrate gallery: Food For Thought as vessels for the guests to drink from.

During the process of recreating these cups the ceramic studio technician Robin Tieu showed me examples of student work from decades previous who replicated styrofoam cups in slip cast stonewear and porcelain. It is interesting to gain Robin's perspective and see the students creativity to eb and flow in cycles. Unknown to one and other ceramic styrofoam cups have been made again and again in the studio's at OCAD.

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